So, I finally got hold of an old Teletype Model 33 ASR. however it needs a lot of restoration I guess.
First of all, the cover was smashed into a number of pieces, as you can see on the images
I have just started to assemble the cover, using patches of fiber-glas and acrylic resin
When that is done, I will need to use som gelcoat filler and sand it, and then spray it with some bone-white Colour (I guess Bone-White is the nearest, anyway).
Nextthing that needs to be done, is a thorough cleaning and lubrication.
The rubber on the hammer is missing, so I need to get a replacement rubber.
I need to create some sort of interface, so I can hook it up to a modern computer.
Well, more Pictures is coming as long as the restoring process contiues.
Pre-assembly with duct tape only
Now I have put it all together with the help of some polyester resin and fiber glass.
Next, need som filler and sanding, then spraying